Omnilogos: Extended Edition3994


“I am a collector of hopes and peregrine truths, a shepherd of thoughts, ideas,
projects and dreams too important not to be realized. I’m an abstract concept
that has no body, no smell, no boundaries, no shape and no color.
I am the Omnilogos.”

So it is forged, a Science Fiction saga that gave birth to a legend, a tale about
the life of a man with one project that will change mankind’s future forever.
Ten stories about his life, his sorrow, and his quest to gather the resources
and the people needed to claim our place among the stars.

This is Wei’s story.

This is the world of the Omnilogos.

— — —

New Extended Edition!
With extra material including an additional
chapter plus an exclusive sneak preview of the
upcoming sequel Pelargonium, book two of
the Omnilogos Series!

Other Product of this creator

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